Finally found our BAND!
The Kojo's
The Kojos began off in January of 2009 on a cold, winters night in a little pub, where one of them drunkenly chirped, "Lets make an indie band!" as a joke. And then they did. So the group of friends got together, jamming covers of weird songs, before James created the first song for The Kojos, a ridiculously cheesy song called "Radio Go". This was soon accepted and the most amusing of mistakes, and they started creating real music, beginning with the classic Kojos song "Lets get Carried Away" followed a month or so later with their second single "I can Fly" the band gradually getting used to their sound.
With Dan Eastwood on drums, Josh Goodey on Bass, Conor Mooring on lead guitar and James Keane on vocals & rhythm, they started writing their own material in their own unique style. After playing local open mic's and plenty of bars, they got round to recording there first EP, and started to play bigger and better venues, growing out of Blackburn into Pretson and Manchester, from Headlining Night and Day Cafe, to playing packed out local festivals. gathering more fans as they went!
Unfortunately, just after their 2nd EP was recorded in August/ September, Josh had to leave the band to go on to study music at university (and we wish him all the best!!). The Kojos went on hiatus for a while, until the descision was made to take off Conor from guitar and put him on Bass, and pick up Sam Fittock on Lead guitar (and thats the lineup they have right now!)
Since then, James has picked up playing Synth as well, giving their guitar based indie rock a more techno, bouncy feel. Sam, Conor, Dan and James have carried on writing fun, exciting music to be enjoyed by all, while pushing their music in new directions and to new levels of awesomeness. Hopefully touring all around the country in 2010.
| Weekend Warmup! | Preston, Northwest | ||
| Night n Day Cafe | Manchester, Northwest |
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