We want to create a logo that can be recognised.

These are mock up logo's that we have drawn free hand. We will then practise creating a logo on photoshop.

These are our old 'mock logo's for the Kojos, however we are still using the lead singer from the band, we have got permittion to do so, but in this case we have decided just to create a logo from the lead singer's name, James Keane.
We decided to use the software photoshop to create our logo.
Our logo
Research Album Covers
Some album covers either have an art design on the front, or just the performers, however some album covers are plain with a basic colour.
Dizzee Rascal, Kings of Leon, The Cribs, The Beatles.

Album covers
The codes and conventions needed for an album cover to sell and get recognised need to have a distinctive picture on the front either of the band or some sort of perculiar picture or a picture that we will remember. It also needs to have a bar code, a price label, the album name, a quote or lyric from either the performers or a song, a sticker of their latest sticker. On the back of the album cover needs to be the song titles, the bar code, possibly the bands logo.
We are really intrigued by Kings of Leon their album cover as it shows all the band members, we would like to produce an album cover based on this idea, we would also use photoshop to crop, rotate or change effects.
Album cover
This is our album cover for the first side of our album.
This is our inside cover for where our CD will be positioned.
This is our back album cover for our album.
Laura x
When producing our ancillary tasks we thought about the codes and convcentions used to create them. This also gets the audience to recognise our album cover, by using eye catching photographs, bar codes, the number one hit single 'I can fly' on the front cover that is also the album covers name. We have also wrote on the back cover the names of songs in the correct order. We have also used 'James Keane' as a logo that is also put on the front.
This is our inside cover for where our CD will be positioned.
This is our back album cover for our album.
Laura x
When producing our ancillary tasks we thought about the codes and convcentions used to create them. This also gets the audience to recognise our album cover, by using eye catching photographs, bar codes, the number one hit single 'I can fly' on the front cover that is also the album covers name. We have also wrote on the back cover the names of songs in the correct order. We have also used 'James Keane' as a logo that is also put on the front.
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